Ever wonder if those companies who offer to help you are on the up and up? With 6 Ideas, you’re never going to wonder.
The reality is that in today’s economic climate, no one can afford to spend many thousands of dollars to find out if their idea is workable. At 6 Ideas you don’t have to. We’ll offer you a free consultation and tell you straight up whether or not your product has a chance to be what you hope that it can be. If we think it can make it on television shopping or on mail order, we’ll tell you. If we don’t, we’ll tell you that too.
6 Ideas Represents You Fully in Your Quest for Sales.
We will cover all the bases with you, including costs, packaging requirements, photography, fees, risks, sales potential, etc. This is what we do everyday, so we can make sure you do everything right upfront.
We’ll Review Your Products and Help you to Determine When You’re Ready.
Is your product easy to demonstrate? Do you have all of your bases covered, such as the right price points and margins for TV? Are you ready to deal with the incidentals such as the shipping and labeling requirements to fulfill a QVC or HSN order?
What are the risks of doing business on TV? Who will present your product on TV? What are the QA requirements? There is a lot of ground to cover when you start selling to big companies and big businesses. Through it all, 6 Ideas is here to help you navigate the complex world of selling to the $10 Billion+ channel of distribution.
We can help you find manufacturing sources domestically as well as overseas. If you are already in production and want another quote to keep your supplier honest, 6 Ideas can help.