Throughout our long history with TV sales and catalog sales we’ve developed a complex system of resources and networked with a wide range of different companies. 6 Ideas are the idea brokers for individuals and small companies. We have the resources you need. These companies and our relationship with them are available to help you to get your products to market or, if you’re a vendor, to find new products and services.
6 Ideas is a facilitator for both sales representatives and inventors, standing ready to assist you in getting what you need.
Manufacturers Rep Associations: 6 Ideas Affiliate or Member
Natl. Assn. of General Merchandise Reps.(NAGMR)
One Spectrum Pointe, Suite 150
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Ph. 949-600-6464 Fax 949-855-2973
Web: www.nagmr.com
Manufacturers’ Agents National Association (MANA)
P.O. Box 3467, 23016 Mill Creek Rd., Laguna Hills,
CA 92654 949-859-4040
Fax: 949-855-2973
Intl. Housewares Representatives Assn.175 N. Harbor Drive
Suite 3807
Chicago, IL 60601
Tel: 312-240-0774
Fax: 312-240-1005
Web: ihra.org
Intl. Home Furnishings Reps. Assn.
PO Box 670
High Point, NC 27261
Tel: 336-889-3920
Fax: 336-883-8245
Web: ihfra.org
Industry Publications:
Multichannel Merchant Magazine –www.multichannelmerchant.com
Electronic Retailer Magazine –www.electronicretailermag.com
Incentive Mfrs. & Reps. Alliance
1801 N. Mill Street
Naperville, IL 60563
Tel: 630-369-7786
Fax: 630-369-3773
Web: imra1.org
Health Industry Representatives Association
7315 East 5th Avenue
Denver CO 80230
Phone: (303) 756-8115
FAX: (303) 341-0282
E-mail: healthreps@comcast.net
United Association Manufacturers’ Representatives (UAMR)
P.O. Box 784, Branson, MO 65615
Inventor Resources:
United Inventors Association
999 Lehigh Station Road
Henrietta, NY 14467-9311
Phone: (585) 359-9310
INPEX – Inventor Trade Show
217 Ninth Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3506
Trade Shows
Housewares Show –http://www.housewares.org/
Medtrade – www.medtrade.com
Global Pet Expo –www.globalpetexpo.com
Hardware Show –http://www.nationalhardwareshow.com
NACDS Marketplace –www.nacds.org
ECRM Shows – www.ecrm-online.com/
Gift Showswww.greatrep.com/trade_shows.asp
Consumer Electronics Show –www.cesweb.org
Outdoor Retailer Show –www.outdoorretailer.com
Toy Fair – www.toyassociation.org
Industry Trade Associations
Aluminum Assn.
900 19th St., NW, #300
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202-862-5100
Fax: 202-862-5164
Web: aluminum.org
American Brush Mfrs. Assn.
2111 W. Plum St., #274
Aurora, Il 60506
Tel: 630-631-5217
Fax: 630-897-9140
Web: www.abma.org
American Edged Products Manufacturers Assn.
21165 Whitfield Place #105
Potomac Falls, VA 20165
Tel: 703-433-9281
Fax: 703-433-0369
American Electronics Assn.
5201 Great American Parkway
PO Box 54990
Santa Clara, CA 95056-0990
Tel: 408-987-4200
Fax: 408-970-8565
Web: aeanet.org
American Home Furnishings Alliance
317 W. High Ave., 10th Fl.
High Point, NC 27260
Tel: 336-884-5000
Fax: 336-884-5303
Web: ahfa.us
American Hardware Mfrs. Assn.
801 N. Plaza Dr.
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4977
Tel: 847-605-1025
Fax: 847-605-1030
Web: ahma.org
American Pet Products Mfrs. Assn.
255 Glenville Rd.
Greenwich, CT 06831-4148
Tel: 203-532-0000
Fax: 203-532-0551
Web: appma.org
American Plastics Council
1300 Wilson Blvd. 13th Fl.
Arlington, VA. 22209
Web: plastics.org
Assn. of Home Appliance Mfrs.
1111 19th St., NW
Suite 402
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-872-5955
Fax: 202-872-9354
Web: aham.org
Carpet & Rug Institute
PO Box 2048
Dalton, GA 30722-2048
Tel: 706-278-3176
Fax: 706-278-8835
Web: carpet-rug.com
Casual Furniture Retailers
214 N. Hale Street
Wheatio, IL 60187
Tel: 630-510-4562
Fax: 630-510-4501
Web: casualfurniture.org
Cleaning Equipment Trade Assn.
7691 Central Ave., NE
Suite 201
Fridley , MN 55432-3541
Tel: 763-786-9200
Fax: 763-786-7775
Web: ceta.org
Color Marketing Group
5845 Richmond Hwy.,Ste. 410
Alexandria, VA 22303-1864
Tel: 703-329-8500
Fax: 703-329-0155
Web: colormarketing.org
Cookware Mfrs. Assn.
PO Box 531335
Birmingham, AL 35253-1335
Tel: 205-823-3448
Fax: 205-823-3449
Web: cookware.org
Electronic Industries Alliance
2500 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: 703-907-7500
Web: eia.org
Electronic Retailing Assn.
2000 North 14th Street, Ste.300
Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: 703-841-1751
Tel: 703-841-1860
Web: retailing.org
General Merchandise Distributors
1275 Lake Plaza Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Tel: 719-576-4260
Fax: 719-576-2661
Web: gmdc.org
Gift and Home Trade Association
138 Garfield Street
Denver, CO. 80206
Tel: 720-748-4872
Web: unitedsalesassociation.org
Gift Assn. of America
115 Rolling Hills Rd.
Johnstown, PA 15905-5225
Tel: 814-288-1460
Fax: 814-288-1483
Web: giftassoc.org
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Assn.
1601 N. Kent St.
Suite 1001
Arlington, VA 22209
Tel: 703-522-0086
Fax: 703-522-0548
Web: hpba.org
High Point International Home Furnishings Market Authority
P.O. Box 5243
High Point, NC 27262
Tel: 336-869-1000
Fax: 336-869-6999
Web: highpointmarket.org
Home Furnishings International Assn.
P.O. Box 420807
170 World Trade Center
Dallas, TX 75342
Tel: 800-942-4663
Fax: 214-742-9103
Web: hfia.com
Intl. Furniture Suppliers Assn.
PO Box 2482
High Point, NC 27261-2482
Tel: 336-884-1566
Fax: 336-884-1350
Web: ifsa-info.com
Intl. Wood Products Assn.
4214 King St. West
Alexandria, VA 22302
Tel: 708-820-6696
Fax: 703-820-8550
Web: iwpawood.org
Lawn & Garden Marketing & Distribution Assn.
2105 Bush Road Ste.
Bel Air, MD 21015
Tel: 443-640-1080
Fax: 443-640-1031
Web: lgmda.org
Natl. Assn. of Chain Drug Stores
413 N. Lee St., PO Box 1417-D49
Alexandria, VA 22313-1480
Tel: 703-549-3001
Fax: 703-836-4869
Web: nacds.org
Natl. Assn. of Convenience Stores
1600 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703-684-3600
Fax: 703-836-4564
Web: nacsonline.com
Natl. Assn. of Independent Lighting Distributors Inc.
2207 Elmwood Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14216-1009
Tel: 716-875-3670
Fax: 716-875-0734
Web: naild.org
National Association of Manufacturers
1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20004-1790
Tel: 202-637-3000
Fax: 202-637-3182
Web: www.nam.org
Assoc. for the Specialty Food Trade
120 Wall St., 27th Fl.
New York, NY 10005
Tel: 212-482-6440
Fax: 212-482-6459
Web: www.nasft.org
Natl. Assn. of Sporting Goods Wholesalers
P.O. Box 881525
Port St. Lucie, FL 34988-1525
Tel: 772-621-7162
Fax: 772-264-3233
Email: wsmith@nasgw.org
Web: nasgw.org
Natl. Assn. of Wholesaler/Distributors
1725 K St., NW,
Washington, DC
Tel: 202-872-0885
Fax: 202-785-0586
Email: naw@nawd.org
Web: www.naw.org
Natl. Barbecue Assn.
P.O. Box 981
Douglas, GA 31533
Web: nbbqa.org
Natl. Candle Assn.
1156 15th Street NW Ste.900
Washington, DC 20005-2396
Tel: 202-393-2210
Fax: 202-223-9741
Web: candles.org
Natl. Home Furnishings Assn.
PO Box 2396
High Point, NC 2726-2396
Tel: 336-886-6100
Fax: 336-801-6102
Web: nhfa.org
Natl. Kitchen & Bath Assn.
687 Willow Grove St.
Hackettstown, NJ 07840
Tel: 908-852-0033
Fax: 908-852-1695
Web: nkba.org
Natl. Retail Federation
325 7th St. NW, #1100
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: 202-783-7971
Tel: 800-673-4692
Fax: 202-737-2849
Web: nrf.com
Natl. Retail Hardware Assn.
5822 W. 74th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46278-1756
Tel: 317-290-0338
Fax: 317-328-4354
Web: nrha.org
Natl. Sporting Goods Assn.
1601 Fehanville Drive
Suite 300
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Tel: 847-296-6742
Fax: 847-391-9827
Web: nsga.org
Natl. Tabletop & Giftware Assn.
112 Adrossan Court
Deptford, NJ 08096
Tel: 856-227-6802
Email: demasi@nationaltabletop.org
Web: nationaltabletop.org
North American Building Material Distribution Assn.
401 N. Michigan Ave.,Ste 2200
Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 312-644-6610
Fax: 312-644-0310
Email: nbmda@sba.com
Web: nbmda.org
Outdoor Power Equipment Institute
341 S. Patrick St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703-549-7600
Fax: 703-549-7604
Web: opei.org
Pet Industry Distributors Assn.
2105 Laurel Bush Rd. #200
Bel Air, MD 21015
Tel: 443-640-1060
Fax: 443-640-1031
Web: pida.org
Plastic & Metal Products Mfrs. Assn.
145 W. 45th St., #800
New York, NY 10036
Tel: 212-398-5400
Fax: 212-398-7818
Porcelain Enamel Institute
PO Box 920220
Norcross, CA 30010
Tel: 770-281-8980
Fax: 770-281-8981
Web: porcelainenamel.com
Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corp.
1000 Parkwood Cir., #450
Atlanta, GA 30339
Tel: 678-419-9990
Web: rbrc.org
Private Label Mfrs. Assn.
369 Lexington Ave.,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-972-3131
Fax: 212-983-1382
Web: plma.com
Professional Picture Framers Assn.
3000 Picture Place
Jackson, MI 49201
Tel: 517-788-8100
Fax: 517-788-8371
Web: ppfa.com
Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corp.
1000 Parkwood Cir., #450
Atlanta, GA 30339
Tel: 678-419-9990
Web: rbrc.org
Retail Industry Leaders Association
1700 N. Moore St.,
Suite 2250
Arlington, VA 22209
Tel: 703-841-2300
Fax: 703-841-1184
Web: retail-leaders.org
School & Home Office Products Assn.
3131 Elbee Rd.
Dayton, OH 45439-1900
Tel: 937-297-2250
Tel: 800-854-7467
Fax: 937-297-2254
Web: shopa.org
Soap & Detergent Assn.
1500 K Street NW #300
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 202-347-2900
Fax: 202-347-4110
Web: sdahq.org
Society of Glass & Ceramic Decorators
47 N 4th St.
PO Box 2489
Zanesville, OH 43702
Tel: 740-588-9882
Fax: 740-588-0245
Web: sgcd.org
Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
1667 K St., NW, Ste. 1000
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202-974-5200
Fax: 202-296-7005
Web: socplas.org
Sporting Goods Mfrs. Assn.
1150 17th Street NW, Ste. 850
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202-775-1762
Fax: 202-296-7462
Email: info@sgma.com
Web: sgma.com
Unfinished Furniture Assn.
15000 Commerce Pkwy. Ste. C
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Fax: 856-439-0525
Web: unfinishedfurniture.org
Vacuum Dealers Trade Assn.
2724 2nd Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50313-4933
Tel: 515-282-9101
Fax: 515-282-4483
Web: vdta.com
Window Covering Safety Council
355 Lexington Ave.,Ste.1700
New York, NY 10017-6603
Tel: 212-297-2109
Fax: 212-370-9047
Web: windowcoverings.org
Wood Products Mfrs. Assn.
175 State Rd. East
Westminster, MA 01473-1208
Tel: 978-874-5445
Fax: 978-874-9946
Web: wpma.org